Prayer for Protection, Guidance and Pardon.

A Psalm

of David.

1 To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

2 O my God, in You I [have unwavering] trust [and I rely on You with steadfast confidence],

Do not let me be ashamedormy hope in You be disappointed;

Do not let my enemies triumph over me.

3 Indeed, none of those who [expectantly] wait for You will be ashamed;

Those who turn away from what is rightanddeal treacherously without cause will be ashamed (humiliated, embarrassed).

4 Let me know Your ways, O Lord;

Teach me Your paths.

5 Guide me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

For You [and only You] I wait [expectantly] all the day long.

6 Remember, O Lord, Your [tender] compassion and Your lovingkindnesses,

For they have been from of old.

7 Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions;

According to Your lovingkindness remember me,

For Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.

8 Good and upright is the Lord;

Therefore He instructs sinners in the way.

9 He leads the humble in justice,

And He teaches the humble His way.

10 All the paths of the Lordare lovingkindnessandgoodness and truthandfaithfulness

To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

11 For Your name’s sake, O Lord,

Pardon my wickednessandmy guilt, for they are great.

12 Who is the man who fears the Lord[with awe-inspired reverence and worships Him with submissive wonder]?

He will teach him [through His word] in the way he should choose.

13 His soul will dwell in prosperityandgoodness,

And his descendants will inherit the land.

14 The secret [of the wise counsel] of the Lordis for those who fear Him,

And He will let them know His covenantandreveal to them [through His word] its [deep, inner] meaning.

15 My eyes are continually toward the Lord,

For He will bring my feet out of the net.

16 Turn to me [Lord] and be gracious to me,

For I am alone and afflicted.

17 The troubles of my heart are multiplied;

Bring me out of my distresses.

18 Look upon my affliction and my trouble,

And forgive all my sins.

19 Look upon my enemies, for they are many;

They hate me with cruelandviolent hatred.

20 Guard my soul and rescue me;

Do not let me be ashamedordisappointed,

For I have taken refuge in You.

21 Let integrity and uprightness protect me,

For I wait [expectantly] for You.

22 O God, redeem Israel,

Out of all his troubles.

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