Praise for the Lord’s Mercies.

A Psalm

of David.

1 Blessandaffectionately praise the Lord, O my soul,

And all that is [deep] within me,blessHis holy name.

2 Blessandaffectionately praise the Lord, O my soul,

And do not forget any of His benefits;

3 Who forgives all your sins,

Who heals all your diseases;

4 Who redeems your life from the pit,

Who crowns you [lavishly] with lovingkindness and tender mercy;

5 Who satisfies your years with good things,

So that your youth is renewed like the [soaring] eagle.

6 The Lordexecutes righteousness

And justice for all the oppressed.

7 He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses,

His acts to the children of Israel.

8 The Lordis merciful and gracious,

Slow to anger and abounding in compassionandlovingkindness.

9 He will not always strivewith us,

Nor will He keepHis angerforever.

10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins [as we deserve],

Nor rewarded us [with punishment] according to our wickedness.

11 For as the heavens are high above the earth,

So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fearandworship Him [with awe-filled respect and deepest reverence].

12 As far as the east is from the west,

So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

13 Just as a father loves his children,

So the Lordloves those who fearandworship Him [with awe-filled respect and deepest reverence].

14 For He knows our [mortal] frame;

He remembers that we are [merely] dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass;

Like a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

16 For the wind passes over it and it is no more,

And its place knows it no longer.

17 But the lovingkindness of the Lordis from everlasting to everlasting on those who [reverently] fear Him,

And His righteousness to children’s children,

18 To those who honorandkeep His covenant,

And remember to do His commandments [imprinting His word on their hearts].

19 The Lordhas established His throne in the heavens,

And His sovereignty rules over all [the universe].

20 Bless the Lord, you His angels,

You mighty ones who do His commandments,

Obeying the voice of His word!

21 Bless the Lord, all you His hosts,

You who serve Him and do His will.

22 Bless the Lord, all you works of His, in all places of His dominion;

Blessandaffectionately praise the Lord, O my soul!

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