God Is Awesome

1 Theoracle (a burdensome message–a pronouncement from God) concerningNineveh [the capital city of Assyria]. The book of the vision of Nahum of Elkosh [which he saw in spirit and prophesied].

2 The Lordis a jealous and avenging God [protecting and demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His];

The Lordavenges and He is full of wrath.

The Lordtakes vengeance on His adversaries,

And He reserves wrath for His enemies.

3 The Lordis slow to anger and great in power

And He will by no means leavethe guiltyunpunished.

The Lordhas His way in the whirlwind and in the storm,

And the clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

4 He rebukes the sea and dries it up;

He dries up all the rivers [illustrating His judgment].

Bashan [on the east] and [Mount] Carmel [on the west] wither,

And [in the north] the blossoms of Lebanon fade.

5 The mountains quake before Him

And the hills melt away;

Indeed the earth is shaken by His presence–

Yes, the world and all that dwell in it.

6 Who can stand before His indignation [His great wrath]?

And who can stand upandendure the fierceness of His anger?

His wrath is poured out like fire

And the rocks are destroyed by Him.

7 The Lordis good,

A strengthandstronghold in the day of trouble;

He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refugeandtrust in Him.

8 But with anoverwhelming flood [of judgment through invading armies]

He will make a complete destruction ofits site

And will pursue His enemies into darkness.

9 Whatever [plot] you [Assyrians] devise against the Lord,

He will make a complete end of it;

Affliction [of God’s people by the hand of Assyria] will not occur twice.

10 Like tangled thorn branches [gathered for fuel],

And like those drowned in drunkenness,

The people of Nineveh are consumed [through fire]

Like stubble completely witheredanddry [in the day of the Lord’swrath].

11 From you [O Nineveh],

One has gone forth who plotted evil against the Lord,

A malevolentcounselor [the king of Assyria].

12 This is what the Lordsays,

“Though they are at fullstrengthand many in number,

Even so, they will be cut off and pass away.

Though I have afflicted youandcaused you grief [O Jerusalem],

I will afflict you no longer.

13 “Now, I will break his yoke [of taxation] off you,

And I will tear off your shackles.”

14 The Lordhas given a command concerning you [O king of Nineveh]:

“Your name will no longer be perpetuated.

I will cut off the carved idols and cast images

From the temple of your gods;

I will prepare your grave,

For you are vileandunworthy.”

15 Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news [telling of Assyria’s destruction],

Who announces peaceandprosperity!

Celebrate your feasts, O Judah;

Perform your vows.

For the wicked one [the king of Assyria] will never again pass through you;

He is completely cut off.

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