Job’s Friends Are No Help

1 Then Job answered and said,

2 “Oh, that my grief could actually be weighed

And placed in the balances together with my tragedy [to see if my grief is the grief of a coward]!

3 “For now it would be heavier than the sand of the sea;

Therefore my words have been incoherent,

4 Because the arrows of the Almighty are within me,

My spirit drinks their poison;

The terrors of God are arrayed against me.

5 “Does the wild donkey bray when he has grass?

Or does the ox low over his fodder?

6 “Can something that has no taste to it be eaten without salt?

Or is there any flavor in the white of an egg?

7 “My soul refuses to touch them;

Such things are like loathsome food to me [sickening and repugnant].

8 “Oh that my request would come to pass,

And that God would grant me the thing that I long for!

9 “I wish that it would please God to crush me,

That He would let loose His hand and cut me off.

10 “Then I would still have consolation,

And I would jump for joy amid unsparing pain,

That I have not deniedorhidden the words of the Holy One.

11 “What strength do I have left, that I should wait [and hope]?

And what is ahead of me, that I should be patientandendure?

12 “Is my strengthandendurance that of stones,

Or is my flesh made of bronze?

13 “Is it that I have no help within myself,

And that successandwisdom have been driven from me?

14 “For the despairing manthere should bekindness from his friend;

So that he does notabandon (turn away from) the fear of the Almighty.

15 “My brothers have acted deceitfully like a brook,

Like the torrents of brooks that vanish,

16 Which are dullanddirty because of ice,

And into which the snow meltsandhides itself;

17 When it is warm, they are silentandcease to flow;

When it is hot, they vanish from their place.

18 “The paths of their course wind along,

They go up into nothingandperish.

[Your counsel is as helpful to me as a dry streambed in the heat of summer.]

19 “The caravans ofTema looked [for water],

The caravans ofSheba waited for them [in vain].

20 “They were put to shameanddisappointed because they had trusted [that they would find water];

They came there and were ashamed.

21 “Indeed, you have now become like a dried-up stream,

You see a terror [believing me to be a victim of the wrath of God] and are afraid [to be compassionate].

22 “Did I ever say, ‘Give mesomething,’

Or, ‘Pay a bribe for me from your wealth,’

23 Or, ‘Rescue me from the adversary’s hand,’

Or, ‘Redeem me from the hand of the tyrants’?

24 “Teach me, and I will be silent;

And show me how I have erred.

25 “How painful are words of honesty.

But what does your argument prove?

26 “Do you intend to reprove my words [with a convincing argument],

When the words of one in despair belong to the wind [and go ignored]?

27 “You would castlots(gamble) over the fatherless

And bargain away your friend.

28 “Now please look at me,

Andseeif I lie to your face [for you know that I would not].

29 “Turn away [from your suspicion], let there be no injustice;

Turn away, my righteousnessandvindication is still in it.

30 “Is there injusticeormalice on my tongue?

Can my palate not discern what is destructive?

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