Zion’s Glory and New Name

1 For Zion’s sake I (Isaiah) will not be silent,

And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet,

Until her righteousnessandvindication go forth as brightness,

And her salvation goes forth like a burning torch.

2 The nations will see your righteousnessandvindication [by God],

And all kings [will see] your glory;

And you will be called by a new name

Which the mouth of the Lordwill designate.

3 You will also be [considered] a crown of gloryandsplendor in the hand of the Lord,

And a royaldiadem [exceedingly beautiful] in the hand of your God.

4 It will no longer be said of you [Judah], “Azubah (Abandoned),”

Nor will it any longer be said of your land, “Shemamah (Desolate)”;

But you will be called, “Hephzibah (My Delight is in Her),”

And your land, “Married”;

For the Lorddelights in you,

Andto Himyour land will be married [owned and protected by the Lord].

5 For as a young man marries a virgin [O Jerusalem],

So your sons will marry you;

And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,

So your God will rejoice over you.

6 On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointedandstationed watchmen (prophets),

Who will never keep silent day or night;

You who profess the Lord, take no rest for yourselves,

7 And give Him no rest [from your prayers] until He establishes Jerusalem

And makes her a praise on the earth.

8 The Lordhas sworn [an oath] by His right hand and by His mighty arm,

“I will never again give your grain as food for your enemies,

Nor will [the invading] foreigners drink your new wine for which you have labored.”

9 But they who have harvested it will eat it and praise the Lord,

And they who have gathered it will drink it [at the feasts celebrated] in the courtyards of My sanctuary.

10 Go through, go through the gates,

Clear the way for the people;

Build up, build up the highway,

Remove the stones, lift up a banner over the peoples.

11 Listen carefully, the Lordhas proclaimed to the end of the earth,

Say to the Daughter of Zion, “Look now, your salvation is coming [in the Lord];

Indeed, His reward is with Him, and His restitution accompanies Him.”

12 And they will call them “The Holy People,

The Redeemed of the Lord”;

And you will be called “Sought Out, A City Not Deserted.”

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