Israel Reaps the Whirlwind

1 Set the trumpet to your lips [announcing impending judgment]!

Like a [great] vulturethe enemy comesagainst the house of the Lord,

Because they have broken My covenant

And transgressedandrebelled against My law.

2 Then they will cry out to Me,

“My God, we of Israel know You!”

3 Israel has rejected the good;

The enemy shall pursue him.

4 They set up kings, but not from Me [therefore without My blessing];

They have appointed princes, but I did not know it.

With their silver and their gold they made idols for themselves,

That they might be cut off.

5 He has rejected your [pagan] calf, O Samaria,saying,

“My wrath burns against them.”

How long will they be incapable of innocence?

6 For even this [loathsome calf] is from Israel.

A craftsman made it, so it is not God;

Surely the calf of Samaria will be broken to piecesandgo up in flames.

7 For they sow the wind [in evil]

And they reap the whirlwind [in disaster].

The standing grain has no growth;

It yields no grain.

If it were to yield, strangers would swallow it up.

8 Israel is [as if] swallowed up [by enemies];

They are now among the nations

Like a vessel [of cheap, coarse pottery] that is useless.

9 For they have gone up to Assyria,

Like a wild donkey wandering aloneandtaking her own way;

Ephraim has hired lovers (pagan allies).

10 Yes, even though [with presents] they hirealliesamong the nations,

Now I will gather them up;

And [in a little while] they will beginto grow weakanddiminish

Because of the burden imposed by the king of princes [the king of Assyria].

11 For Ephraim has constructed many altars for sin;

They are altars intended for sinning [which multiply his guilt].

12 I wrote for him the ten thousandpreceptsof My law,

But they are regarded as a strange thing [which does not concern him].

13 As for My sacrificial offerings,

They sacrifice the meat [as a mere formality] and eat it,

But the Lordis not pleased with themanddoes not accept them.

Now He will rememberandtake into account their wickednessandguilt,

And punish them for their sins.

They will return [in captivity] to [another] Egypt [that is, Assyria].

14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces [and pagan temples],

And Judah has built many fortified cities;

But I will send a fire upon their cities so that it may consume their palacesandfortresses.

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